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서브비주얼 이미지
School of Transdisciplinary Studies

Beginning of a New Education

[Forum] The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on December 4th (BBE&STS)

  • 전체관리자
  • Date : 2024.12.05
On Wednesday, November 4, 2024, the ✨The First Wednesday Multidisciplinary Forum on December✨ was held in the Creative Learning B/D(E11), Room 101.

The speakers were Prof. Cheolwoo Park(School of Transdisciplinary Studies) and Prof. Chul Kim(Department of Bio and Brain Engineering).

We would like to thank them for their wonderful English speeches on the interesting common topic of Sensing and Analyzing Biopotentials.

* Prof. Chul Kim / Biomedical Integrated Circuits and Systems for Brain Engineering

* Prof. Cheolwoo Park / Statistical Analysis of fMRI data on Practice-Related Changes

We would also like to thank all the KAIST members who attended🥰
School of Transdisciplinary Studies, KAIST
Bldg. N2, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea Tel.+82-42-350-7052~4 / Fax.+82-42-350-7050

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