Beginning of a New Education
In an age in which artificial intelligence is serving human roles with big data obtained from IoT, what are some qualities of leaders of society and humankind?
What are the core capacities expected of essential talent in the new era?
I see "considerate scientists and innovative engineers" as ideal talent. These are individuals who enjoy learning based on academic curiosity, who are capable of both competing and working with others, who drive social innovation with creative ideas and technology development, and who have acquired a broad perspective of the world through reading and discussion.
The world needs leaders who are able to empathize and feel a sense of belonging to the global community.
To keep up with the changing times, leaders at KAIST realized that this university should among the first to revolutionize its education. And so, the School of Transdisciplinary Studies was born.
Under the belief that "flowers bloom at all boundaries," the School of Transdisciplinary Studies will foster talent versed in transdisciplinary research, equipped with knowledge to solve problems across disciplines, scholars who have a vision for the future based on a love of reading and discussion.
To foster talent essential for the future, the School plans to provide students with unprecedented transdisciplinary educational services that blur the boundaries between departments.
In addition, KAIST will support the School of Transdisciplinary Studies in attaining world-class standards and contributing to the advancement of humanity by producing creative talent capable of ddressing transdisciplinary issues.
The School of Transdisciplinary Studies will foster creative, transdisciplinary global leaders in preparation for the 4IR age, characterized by hyperconnectivity, superintelligence, and convergence.
I look forward to your support and cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Jaeseung Jeong
Head, School of Transdisciplinary Studies, KAIST
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