DivEntrepreneurship & Innovation Ecosystem Government Policy for Creation, Growth & Globalization of SME & Venture Business Structure & Regulation of Venture Financial Market Venture’s Business Model & Financing Strategy
The labN5 Building Office #2117
Minjoon Seo
DegreePh.D., University of Washington
DeptKim Jaechul Graduate School of AI
DivNatural Language Processing, Knowledge Base, Large-Scale Machine Learning
DivHearing Mechanics & Applications, IoE based Health Monitoring with Bio-Big-Data and AI, Advanced 3DP Research, Si-μSOFC, AI and Big-Data based Particulate Matter Research
School of Transdisciplinary Studies, KAIST Bldg. N2, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea Tel.+82-42-350-7052~4 / Fax.+82-42-350-7050
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