DivHearing Mechanics & Applications, IoE based Health Monitoring with Bio-Big-Data and AI, Advanced 3DP Research, Si-μSOFC, AI and Big-Data based Particulate Matter Research
DivArts and Data-science (데이터과학으로 바라보는 예술), Artificial intelligence for Complex systems (복잡계를 이해하는 인공지능 개발), Statistical physics for Economy and Social science (사회, 경제를 설명하는 통계물리학)
DivNeuroscience-inspired AI (신경과학 기반 인공지능), Neuroscience of meta reinforcement learning (뇌의 메타 강화학습과정 연구), AI-human co-evolution engine (AI-인간 공진화 엔진 개발)
DeptGraduate School of Science and Technology Policy
DivHuman-Technology Relationship (인간과 테크놀로지의 관계), Entanglement of Engineering and Politics (공학과 정치의 얽힘), Cultures of Robotics and Simulation (로봇과 시뮬레이션의 문화)
DivIntelligent Assistive Technology (지능형 재활보조공학기술), Alternative UX/UI Design for People with Special Needs (사회적 약자를 위한 대체 사용자경혐 및 인터페이스 설계), AI-Empowered Healthcare Service (인공지능 기반 헬스케어 서비스)
School of Transdisciplinary Studies, KAIST Bldg. N2, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea Tel.+82-42-350-7052~4 / Fax.+82-42-350-7050
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